Adopting a HealthOps Mindset to Pull Healthcare Out of the Past

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HealthOps Philosophy

Author: Shilen Patel, CEO

HealthOps Philosophy is how HealthAxis conducts business and our standard of operation when combining services, technology, and data integration into practice. 

Nearly 20 years of leading healthcare technology companies have convinced me that the challenge of modernizing most dimensions of health care is not a matter of innovation, but typically, a matter of integration. Our field has an opportunity to improve access to care, patient experience, product design, and attain operational excellence. Unfortunately, we are not on par with other growing industries. Healthcare lifers, like myself, have seen rapid progression in mobile banking, the wide acceptance of e-commerce, and the ascent of business philosophies like Agile and DevOps in software development. Fragmentation of work and information, the absence of aligned incentives, and the inertia of complex legacy technology in mission-critical areas generate a frustrating lag to success. Quite frankly, we are alarmed at the absence of this continuous and holistic improvement concept within the industry.   

We formed HealthAxis Group to overcome these innovation killers and to enact our mission to ceaselessly improve the speed and quality of information and healthcare decisions. We visualize “Healthcare Rebooted” as a completely efficient, collaborative, and information-driven institution. 

For years, we pushed to design solutions that unify processes and data, catalyze coordinated and value-based care, and leverage modern technology. We saw a need to define how our team operates in this dynamic and growing industry. From a culmination of our Mission, Vision, and Values and a lack of industry best practices surrounding continuous holistic and improvements, we devised our philosophy, HealthOps. 

 Nowhere is HealthOps more evident than with HxOne, our end-to-end, fully integrated healthcare operations solution. Our data solutions, HxLogic, joins our technology, HxPro, and the experience and insights of our HxOps personnel. 

What is HealthOps 

The HealthOps mindset parallels concepts like Lean, Six Sigma, Agile\Scrum, and DevOps that require collective will and motivation. HealthOps reduces fragmentation through transparent, intentional, and effective interaction across the components. Everyone can see and reflect on the parts that make up the whole. Lessons learned to determine future priorities to make healthcare more efficient, coordinated, and information-driven. 

How to be a HealthOps Organization 
  • Provide more integration and cohesion among the critical parts at the top to accelerate healthcare innovation. 
  • Perpetually refine approaches through continuous improvement principles that render better benefits and access to care, optimize software and business processes, and actionable insights to improve quality of life and care. 
  • Commit to routine reflection on what each line of focus (tech, data, and people\process) can teach us about the others and have an agile organization to place it into action. 
  • Focus ownership\stewardship mentality of a team around each product combined with robust communication, total candor, and a dynamic process for implementing improvement. 

Living the HealthOps Philosophy has strengthened our team and produced tremendous value for our partners and customers. We will be sharing examples of HealthOps wins throughout the year as we work internally and in the field with clients to improve quality of life and quality of care through better technology, information, and operations at the top of the healthcare pyramid. 






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