
64% of Healthcare Providers Not Ready for MACRA Implementation

64% of Healthcare Providers Not Ready for MACRA Implementation

A recent survey found that adapting quality reporting systems and developing a team-based effort are top MACRA implementation challenges. “Provider […]

Securing data integrity at the ‘front door’ of care delivery

Securing data integrity at the “front door” of care delivery

Although most of the health industry has moved records and administrative processes from paper to digital, human error remains a […]

Expanding Beyond HIPAA Audit Prep for Information Governance

Expanding Beyond HIPAA Audit Prep for Information Governance

The recent AHIMA toolkit focusing on HIPAA audit preparation is a key tool for organizations, but it is just the […]

HIPAA audits unlikely to change under new administration

HIPAA audits unlikely to change under new administration

Providers are unlikely to see any major changes to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act audits under the Department of […]

America's employers play a vital role in the 'repeal and replace' debate

America’s employers play a vital role in the ‘repeal and replace’ debate

Our nation’s great health reform debate risks missing the forest for the trees. While shoring up the individual market and […]

Obamacare on the ropes, progressives push single payer in California

Obamacare on the ropes, progressives push single payer in California

Progressive grassroots groups are turning their eyes west, where California Democrats are pushing a new bill that would create a […]

How Accountable Care Organizations Meet Quality Benchmarks

How Accountable Care Organizations Meet Quality Benchmarks

Accountable care organizations need to overcome some major challenges such as the lack of data sharing from hospitals. Accountable care […]

What payers want to know before they commit to exchanges

What payers want to know before they commit to exchanges

Insurers, facing a June deadline, are hoping for more assurance from the White House that it will support exchange stability. […]

MGMA Advises New HHS Secretary on MACRA Implementation

MGMA Advises New HHS Secretary on MACRA Implementation

MGMA made suggestions to improve various aspects of the healthcare industry that benefit medical groups participating in MACRA implementation. The […]

Emergency Coverage Top Healthcare Consumer Demand For Payers

Emergency Coverage Top Healthcare Consumer Demand For Payers

When talking about access to care, healthcare consumers were highly in favor of transparency and want payers to cover emergency […]

The importance of securing patient identity as health IT goes virtual

The importance of securing patient identity as health IT goes virtual

Normal healthcare concerns become even more pressing with the growing prevalence of virtual care. Health IT solutions must address patient […]

7.1M Patients Use Remote Monitoring, Connected Medical Devices

7.1M Patients Use Remote Monitoring, Connected Medical Devices

More patients than ever are using connected medical devices to engage in remote monitoring and virtual healthcare. More than seven […]