Tips for Working in a Hybrid Model

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 Our team has found the following tips helpful while we continue to work in different locations and from home.

1 – Connect through Microsoft Teams, a secure space for collaboration and project management offering engagement tools, video calling, file sharing, and one space to view your favorite apps.

2 – Video calls allow for virtual face-to-face engagement; they help to establish more personal and trusting relationships and can increase call productivity.

3 – Regular stand up meetings keep your team on track, increase our team productivity and communication even while working remotely.

4 – Structure your day like you were in the office. Keeping your workflow stable will help balance your day and be sure to start and end your day on time.

5 – Don’t forget to take breaks. This is important for your mental and physical health. Reset your mind by taking a walk outside or doing a standing stretch.

6 – Choose a facilitator for large virtual meetings to ensure the meeting is structured, productive, and engaging for all parties.

7 – Designating a workspace in your home can increase productivity by limiting distractions and be a physical reminder of work life balance outside of business hours.

8 – Celebrate wins, big and small to remind yourself and your team that you are progressing on your goals and to maintain a positive moral.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]